ESG (Environment, Social, Governance)

J Coffey are committed to ensuring Environmental, Social and Governance strategies are formally embedded throughout our organisation. They are fundamental to our external and internal business processes, based on the UN’S Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), building on our culture of integrity, transparency and ethical collaboration – click here to see below.

Click here to view our 2023 ESG Report


As an environmentally responsible organisation, not only are we certified with the ISO 14001:2015 EMS Standard and Chain of Custody Standard, we are also certified with the ISO 50001 EnMS standard, to manage our carbon emissions and committed to Pledge to Net Zero. We have our own in-house Chartered Environmentalist to manage & monitor all our environmental controls including sustainable procurement and employee training, to nurture and embed an environmental awareness throughout the organisation to mitigate the impact we have on the environment.
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As an active registered member of the Gangmasters Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) Construction Protocol, and B member of SEDEX and a signatory to the People Matter Charter J. Coffey Construction employ the highest standards in ethical labour practice, we actively engage with the communities our works impact upon in support of the clients we work for, by supporting local community projects, providing charitable donations, providing work opportunities for local residents and supporting local businesses.
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By abiding by the principles of the UK Corporate Governance Code, we strive to practice good governance. The Organisations financial records are a fair and accurate representation of the transactions they claim to represent. We have robust policies in place to mitigate fraud or malpractice. Employees are encouraged to inform of any impropriety they witness that might compromise the values the organisation adheres to ethically and we regularly review business risk where supply chain management plays a big part.
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